\n \n How do I enroll in TSA PreCheck® through CLEAR?\n \n

\n TSA PreCheck® enrollment provided by CLEAR makes it easy to\n sign up for the TSA PreCheck® Application Program.{' '}\n \n Get started online\n {' '}\n by selecting your plan and following instructions. Complete your\n enrollment at the nearest participating CLEAR location. No\n appointment necessary!\n

\n \n Do I need to make an appointment to enroll in TSA PreCheck®\n through CLEAR?\n \n

\n Nope! Save time by pre-enrolling online and complete your\n registration at the nearest{' '}\n \n participating CLEAR location.\n {' '}\n No appointment is necessary. Don't forget to bring all{' '}\n \n required documentation.\n {' '}\n Our friendly ambassadors will be there to help you every step of\n the way.\n

\n \n What documents are required to enroll for TSA PreCheck®?\n \n

\n For TSA PreCheck®, you must provide an original or\n certified copy* of the following documentation to meet identity\n and citizenship requirements - see below:{' '}\n


\n List A - ONE document is acceptable from the following forms of\n identification:\n

  • \n Unexpired U.S. Passport (book or card) - demonstrates U.S.\n Citizenship\n
  • \n
  • \n Unexpired Enhanced Tribal Card (ETC) - demonstrates U.S.\n Citizenship\n
  • \n
  • \n Unexpired Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Card - designates U.S.\n Citizenship if indicated on the FAST card\n
  • \n
  • \n Unexpired U.S. Enhanced Driver's License (EDL) or Unexpired\n Enhanced Identification Card (EID) - designates U.S.\n Citizenship if indicated on the EDL or EIC\n
  • \n
  • \n Permanent Resident Card (I-551) often referred to as a “Green\n Card” - demonstrates Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status\n
  • \n
  • \n Unexpired Foreign Passport AND immigrant visa with I-551\n annotation of \"Upon Endorsement Serves as Temporary I-551\n Evidencing Permanent Residence of 1 Year\" - demonstrates LPR\n status\n
  • \n
  • \n Unexpired Re-entry Permit (I-327) - demonstrates LPR status\n
  • \n

\n A passport cannot be used as a List A document if it is\n expired**. If it has expired within the past 12 months, it can\n be used, but only as a proof of citizenship (List B).\n


\n List B - At least two documents are required if you do not have\n a document from List A to present. The documents must include\n 1.) A valid photo ID, and 2.) A document that meets citizenship\n requirements (i.e., one document from each column below). Please\n note, the name on both required documents must match.\n


Valid Photo ID

  • \n Unexpired driver's license issued by a State or outlying\n possession of the U.S.\n
  • \n
  • \n Unexpired temporary driver's license plus expired driver's\n license (constitutes one document)\n
  • \n
  • \n Unexpired photo ID card issued by the Federal government or by\n a State or outlying possession of the U.S. This must include a\n federal agency, State or State agency seal or logo (such as a\n State university ID). Permits are not considered valid\n identity documents (such as gun permits).\n
  • \n
  • Unexpired U.S. military ID card
  • \n
  • Unexpired U.S. retired military ID card
  • \n
  • Unexpired U.S. military dependent’s card
  • \n
  • Native American tribal document with photo
  • \n
  • \n Unexpired Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/\n Transportation Security Administration (TSA)- Transportation\n Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)\n
  • \n
  • Unexpired Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC)
  • \n

Valid Proof of Citizenship

  • U.S. Birth Certificate***
  • \n
  • U.S. Certificate of Citizenship (N-560 or N-561)
  • \n
  • U.S. Certificate of Naturalization (N-550 or N-570)
  • \n
  • U.S. Citizen Identification Card (I-179 or I-197)
  • \n
  • Consular Report of Birth Abroad (FS-240)
  • \n
  • \n Certification of Report of Birth Abroad (DS-1350 or FS-545)\n
  • \n
  • Expired U.S. passport within 12 months of expiration**
  • \n

\n *An original or certified copy of a document must be issued by a\n Federal, State, Tribal, county, municipal authority, or outlying\n possession bearing an official seal. Short form or abstract\n birth certificates and notarized copies of documents are not\n acceptable.\n


\n **A passport cannot be used as a List A document if it is\n expired. If it has expired within the past 12 months, it can be\n used, but only as a proof of citizenship (List B). Additionally,\n an expired U.S. passport may not be presented by itself. It must\n be presented with at least one other List B document.\n


\n ***TSA will accept only the following birth records:\n

  • \n A long-form U.S. state/territory-issued certified/sealed Birth\n Certificate; or\n
  • \n
  • \n A U.S. state/territory-issued certified/sealed Birth Abstract\n that meets the requirements of a Birth Certificate (Please\n note that Birth Registration/Certificate of Birth Registration\n records are not acceptable); or\n
  • \n
  • \n A birth certification card that meets the requirements of a\n Birth Certificate or abstract (see below) (Birth Registration\n or Notification cards are not acceptable)\n
  • \n

\n Document Requirements for Birth Certificates/Birth Certification\n Cards/Certified Abstracts of Birth\n

  • \n Issued by the city, county, or state of birth\n
  • \n
  • \n Lists applicant's full name, date of birth, and place of birth\n
  • \n
  • \n List parent(s) full names.\n
  • \n
    • \n \n A full name consists of a first and last name; middle name\n is not required. \"Unknown\" entries for one or both parents\n on a valid birth certificate are acceptable, as long as\n the parent names fields are present. Additionally, a blank\n space or asterisks (****) in the space where a mother's\n and/or father's name would be listed will be deemed\n acceptable, since there is no standard input across\n agencies to indicate that one or both parents are unknown.\n \n
    • \n
  • \n Has the signature of the city, county, or state official or\n registrar.\n
  • \n
  • \n Has the date filed with registrar's office.\n
  • \n
  • \n Has the seal of issuing authority (seals may appear, but are\n not required to be printed, as an embossed or raised overt\n security feature).\n
  • \n

\n TSA will NOT accept Birth \"Registration\" or \"Notification\"\n Cards, or Birth Registration/Certificate of Birth Registration\n records. Cases in which the sole proof of U.S. birth/citizenship\n is a birth registration record are Invalid Enrollments.\n


Unacceptable U.S. Birth Documents

  • \n Document illegible due to wear/tear or damaged\n
  • \n
  • \n Private hospital-issued document\n
  • \n
  • \n Any birth document titled with the word \"Registration\" or\n \"Notification\"\n
  • \n
  • \n Foreign Birth document that is not an acceptable State\n Department record of birth abroad\n
  • \n
  • \n State-issued document stating applicant was born in a foreign\n country\n
  • \n
  • \n Puerto Rican Birth Certificates issued before July 1, 2010\n
  • \n
  • \n \"No Record Certification of Birth\" document\n
  • \n
  • \n Notarized copies of documents and digital identity documents are\n not acceptable\n
  • \n
    \n \n How long will it take for my Known Traveler Number (KTN) to\n arrive so I can use the TSA PreCheck® lanes?\n \n

    \n Most TSA PreCheck® applicants receive their KTN in 3-5\n days, though some applications can take up to{' '}\n {TSADecisionTimeframe}. TSA PreCheck® applicants will\n receive notice of their approval status and KTN by email or\n phone. You can also check your status on our website at{' '}\n or contact customer support by phone at{' '}\n or . Be sure to add your KTN in the\n appropriate field when booking your airline reservations.\n

    \n \n Can I complete one application for both CLEAR Plus and\n TSA PreCheck®?\n \n

    \n Separate applications are required; however, you can complete\n both at participating CLEAR locations. When you sign up for\n CLEAR Plus, you have the option to bundle TSA PreCheck®\n enrollment with your CLEAR Plus Membership to receive a pricing\n incentive and experience the best of both worlds.\n

    \n \n Am I automatically enrolled in CLEAR Plus if I apply for\n TSA PreCheck®?\n \n

    \n No, enrolling in one program does not grant automatic membership\n in the other.\n

    \n \n Does the gender on my identification documents need to be\n updated before I can update the gender on my TSA PreCheck®\n application?\n \n

    \n No, the gender on your identification documents does not need to\n match the gender you select on your TSA PreCheck®\n Application.\n

    \n \n During the TSA PreCheck® application process, am I required\n to select the gender that matches the gender on my supporting\n identity documentation?\n \n

    \n No, you can select any gender option on the TSA PreCheck®\n application, even if the gender you self-select does not match\n the gender on your supporting documentation (such as birth\n certificate, passport, or state ID). You can self-select Male,\n Female, or Another Gender.\n

    \n \n Does the gender on my airline reservation, my identity document,\n and my TSA PreCheck® application need to match?\n \n

    \n No. You will receive TSA PreCheck® screening even if your\n current gender differs from the gender you provided when you\n enrolled in TSA PreCheck®, as long as the name, KTN and\n date of birth on your reservation match the name, KTN and date\n of birth on record with TSA.\n

    \n \n How should I fill out my name on my application?\n \n

    \n The name on your application must be an exact match to the name\n on the identification and proof of citizenship/immigration\n documents you provide at enrollment. The name provided must be\n the name used when making your airline travel reservations.\n

    \n \n I think I may have fraudulently enrolled in TSA PreCheck®,\n what do I do? Can I get a refund?\n \n

    \n If you or someone you know believes they have fallen victim to a\n scam, report it to your local police department and file a\n report at the Federal Trade Commission's website,{' '}\n \n ReportFraud.ftc.gov\n \n . Additionally, contact your bank or credit card company\n immediately and inform them of the fraudulent charge. Please\n note, neither TSA nor CLEAR will issue a reimbursement to\n applicants who attempt to enroll in TSA PreCheck® through a\n fraudulent website.\n

    \n \n \n \n I originally enrolled in TSA PreCheck® with another company.\n Can I renew with CLEAR?\n \n

    \n Yes! Regardless of your original enrollment provider, you can\n renew through CLEAR. You may begin the renewal process as early as\n 6 months prior to expiration.\n


    \n If you have TSA PreCheck® through Global Entry, NEXUS, or\n SENTRI, visit{' '}\n \n https://ttp.cbp.dhs.gov\n {' '}\n or call 1-877-227-5511 to renew or find information about your\n membership. These programs are not managed through CLEAR.\n

    \n \n Can I renew my TSA PreCheck® membership online?\n \n

    \n Yes! Simply select ‘Renew’ on the plan selection page. You will\n need to enter your biographic data or your KTN from your current\n membership to begin the renewal process online at{' '}\n \n tsaprecheckbyclear.tsa.dhs.gov\n \n . Please note that if you submit multiple TSA PreCheck®\n renewal applications, it could cause a significant delay in\n processing your application. Refunds will not be disbursed when\n multiple applications have been submitted.\n


    \n If your name has changed since enrollment, you may update your\n name by contacting customer support by phone (1-888-831-9070) 8am\n – 10pm ET, weekdays or email (CLEARCustomerSupport@tsa.dhs.gov)\n anytime (up to six months before the expiration date) or visit an\n enrollment location to complete the renewal process in-person.\n Name changes may take up to 45 days to complete and processing\n time varies by individual. You can find CLEAR’s available\n locations{' '}\n \n here\n \n .\n


    \n If you have TSA PreCheck® through Global Entry, NEXUS, or SENTRI,\n you are not eligible to renew through CLEAR. Please visit{' '}\n \n https://ttp.cbp.dhs.gov\n {' '}\n or call 1-877-227-5511 to renew or find information about your\n membership. These programs are not managed through CLEAR.\n

    \n \n Can I renew my CLEAR Plus and TSA PreCheck® memberships at\n the same time?\n \n\n

    \n Separate applications are required to renew your CLEAR Plus and\n TSA PreCheck® memberships. CLEAR Plus is an annual membership\n while TSA PreCheck® is valid for 5 years. To renew your TSA\n PreCheck membership, get started{' '}\n \n here\n \n .\n

    \n\n How long is my TSA PreCheck® KTN valid?\n

    \n Your TSA PreCheck® KTN is valid for 5 years. If your TSA\n PreCheck® membership is approaching expiration, you can renew{' '}\n \n here\n \n {''}.\n

    \n\n How soon may I renew TSA PreCheck®?\n

    \n You may begin the renewal process up to 6 months prior to\n expiration. Applicants will not lose any time for renewing early.\n

    \n \n \n Why should I join TSA PreCheck® through CLEAR?{' '}\n \n

    \n TSA PreCheck® enrollment provided by CLEAR is easy because\n you can get the process started online and don’t need to make an\n appointment to finish in-person. Simply show up at a convenient\n participating CLEAR location with the correct documents within 180\n days to complete the application. Now you can bundle\n TSA PreCheck® and CLEAR Plus for the fastest way to your gate\n at the best value.\n

    \n\n \n Once I enroll in TSA PreCheck®, how soon can I use the\n TSA PreCheck® lanes?\n \n

    \n You will not be able to access the TSA PreCheck® lane directly\n after enrollment. You will need to wait until you are approved and\n receive your Known Traveler Number (KTN) before you can use the\n TSA PreCheck® lanes at airports nationwide. Most\n TSA PreCheck® applicants receive their KTN in 3-5 days,\n though some applications can take up to {TSADecisionTimeframe}.\n TSA PreCheck® applicants will receive notice of their\n approval status and KTN by your preferred method of communication,\n email or phone. You can also check your status on our website at{' '}\n or contact customer support by phone {' '}\n 8am - 10pm ET, weekdays or anytime. Be sure to add\n your KTN to your airline reservations in order to receive the\n TSA PreCheck® indicator on your boarding pass when traveling.\n

    \n \n \n What is the difference between CLEAR Plus and TSA PreCheck®?\n Do I need both?\n \n

    \n CLEAR Plus allows for a quick identity verification experience at\n the airport. Step right up to a CLEAR pod and verify you are you\n with your eyes or fingerprint.\n


    \n TSA PreCheck® is a U.S. government program that identifies\n travelers deemed low-risk by the Transportation Security\n Administration (TSA). Once approved to participate in the program,\n it allows travelers to pass through an expedited security\n screening at{' '}\n \n U.S. airports nationwide with no need to remove shoes, laptops,\n 3-1-1 liquids, belts or light jackets\n \n . This allows travelers to enjoy a more convenient and efficient\n experience at airport security.\n


    \n Many of our Members find that these two services complement each\n other — providing the quickest, surest route through the airport.\n

    \n\n \n Are CLEAR and TSA PreCheck® available in the same airports?\n \n

    \n CLEAR Plus Lanes are available at 50+ airports and\n TSA PreCheck® is available at 200+ locations nationwide.\n Bundle today for the best of both worlds! For additional\n information for where TSA PreCheck® is available, please\n visit visit{' '}\n \n tsa.gov/precheck/map\n \n .\n

    \n\n \n Who can become a CLEAR Plus Member? Is it the same for\n TSA PreCheck®?\n \n

    Membership qualifications vary for each program.


    \n CLEAR Plus welcomes individuals 18 years of age and older. To\n enroll, you must have one of the following forms of photo\n identification: U.S. Driver's License, U.S. Passport, or U.S.\n State Issued ID. All forms of identification must be valid,\n unexpired, not amended and have a photo.\n


    \n TSA PreCheck® membership is open to U.S. citizens, U.S. Nationals\n and Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR). To enroll, you must bring\n documents that meet both identity and citizenship requirements for\n the program. Applicants may be deemed ineligible due to incomplete\n or false application information, certain violations of federal\n security regulations, or{' '}\n \n disqualifying criminal offenses and other elgibility factors.\n \n

    \n\n \n What is TSA PreCheck® and how does it work?\n \n

    \n TSA PreCheck® is a U.S. government program that identifies\n travelers deemed low-risk by the Transportation Security\n Administration (TSA). Once approved to participate in the program,\n it allows travelers to pass through an expedited security\n screening at{' '}\n \n U.S. airports nationwide with no need to remove shoes, laptops,\n 3-1-1 liquids, belts or light jackets.\n \n

    \n\n \n Where can I enroll in TSA PreCheck® through CLEAR?\n \n

    \n You can enroll at any participating CLEAR airport{' '}\n \n locations.\n \n

    \n \n \n How much does TSA PreCheck® enrollment provided by CLEAR\n cost?\n \n

    \n TSA PreCheck® enrollment provided by CLEAR is only{' '}\n {stringifyPrice(tsaPrecheckMembershipPrice)} for 5 years, equating\n to less than {precheckPerYearPrice} a year. Renewal of your\n membership costs {stringifyPrice(tsaPrecheckRenewMembershipPrice)}{' '}\n for online renewals and{' '}\n {stringifyPrice(tsaPrecheckMembershipPrice)} for in-person\n renewals.\n

    \n \n Do I save money by bundling TSA PreCheck® and CLEAR Plus\n together?\n \n

    \n When bundling your enrollment, you enjoy special pricing on your\n first year of CLEAR Plus membership for a combined total of just{' '}\n {stringifyPrice(tsaPrecheckClearBundlePrice)}. When bundling your\n renewal, you also enjoy special pricing on your first year of\n CLEAR Plus membership for a combined total of just{' '}\n {stringifyPrice(tsaPrecheckClearRenewBundlePrice)}. In both\n instances, you will be granted TSA PreCheck® for 5 years and CLEAR\n Plus Membership for 1 year.\n

    \n \n What are the accepted payment methods for the TSA PreCheck®\n application fee?\n \n

    \n You can pay with a credit / debit card. CLEAR accepts Mastercard,\n Visa, Discover and American Express.\n

    \n \n My personal information has changed. How do I update my\n information so that I can continue to receive TSA PreCheck®?\n \n

    \n If you are a member of the TSA PreCheck® Application Program,\n you may call us at 8am - 10pm ET weekdays or\n anytime to make changes to your name, address, or\n other information contained in your records. If you change your\n name and do not update your TSA PreCheck® membership to match\n the new details, you will not be able to use your\n TSA PreCheck® benefits when traveling until the name change\n process is completed.\n

    \n \n Are there any Military or Senior Citizen discounts for TSA\n PreCheck®?\n \n

    \n Service members of all branches of the armed forces and students\n at the armed forces' service academies automatically enjoy\n TSA PreCheck® benefits, with no need to enroll separately.\n Their DoD ID number is a 10-digit number on the back of the Common\n Access Card which serves as their Known Traveler Number (KTN).\n


    \n TSA PreCheck® is not currently offered at discounted\n membership rates for senior citizens. However, please note that\n TSA allows travelers 75+ to leave shoes and a light jacket on\n during screening. For more information visit{' '}\n \n tsa.gov/travel/special-procedures/screening-passengers-75-and-older\n \n .\n

    \n\n \n Do any credit card companies offer discounts for\n TSA PreCheck®?\n \n

    \n The following credit cards listed{' '}\n \n here\n \n , cover the TSA PreCheck® application fee as a member\n benefit. Check to see if your credit card participates.{' '}\n

    \n \n What is my KTN?\n

    \n A KTN or Known Traveler Number, is a unique number issued by the\n TSA indicating you've completed a Security Threat Assessment and\n are eligible for TSA PreCheck® expedited screening. Your KTN\n is valid for 5 years and should be used when booking airline\n reservations.\n

    \n \n Can I see my TSA PreCheck® registration on my CLEAR app?\n \n

    At this time, this is not an available feature.

    \n \n \n Can my spouse or partner use my TSA PreCheck® account when\n traveling without me?\n \n

    \n No. TSA PreCheck® benefits only apply to those who are\n enrolled and traveling with the TSA PreCheck® indicator on\n their boarding pass.\n

    \n \n I’m traveling with a guest / travel partner, can they use the\n TSA PreCheck® lanes?\n \n

    \n Travelers 18 and older who do not have a TSA PreCheck®\n indicator on their boarding pass must go through standard security\n lanes. For more information visit .\n

    \n Can children use the TSA PreCheck® lane?\n

    \n Children ages 12 and under may use the TSA PreCheck® lane\n when traveling with a parent or guardian who has the\n TSA PreCheck® indicator on their boarding pass. Children\n 13-17 may join enrolled adults when traveling on the same\n reservation and if the TSA PreCheck® indicator appears on the\n child's boarding pass. For more information visit .\n


    \n Please note, adults using gate passes to accompany children\n traveling alone will be directed to standard screening as gate\n passes are excluded from TSA PreCheck® benefits. This applies\n even if the gate pass holder has enrolled in TSA PreCheck®.\n The adult will not be permitted to join the child in the\n TSA PreCheck® lane.\n

    \n Can children use the CLEAR Plus Lane?\n

    \n When accompanied by a CLEAR Plus Member, children 17 and under may\n use the standard CLEAR Plus Lane. When accompanied by a CLEAR Plus\n Member on the same reservation and has the TSA PreCheck®\n indicator on their boarding pass, children ages 17 and under may\n go through the CLEAR Plus with TSA PreCheck® Lane.\n

    \n \n Do children need to apply for TSA PreCheck®?\n \n

    \n It depends on their age and whether they are traveling with a\n parent or guardian who has enrolled in TSA PreCheck®:\n

    • \n Children 12 and under may accompany an enrolled parent or\n guardian in the TSA PreCheck® lanes without restriction.\n
    • \n
    • \n Children 13-17 may join enrolled adults when traveling on the\n same reservation and if the TSA PreCheck® indicator\n appears on the child’s boarding pass.\n
    • \n
    • \n Any child traveling alone routinely may want to enroll in the\n program.\n
    • \n
    \n Please note, adults using gate passes to accompany children\n traveling alone will be directed to standard screening as gate\n passes are excluded from TSA PreCheck® benefits. This applies\n even if the gate pass holder has enrolled in TSA PreCheck®.\n The adult will not be permitted to join the child in the\n TSA PreCheck® lane.\n

    \n \n
    \n \n How would I learn more about FBI Identity History Summary\n Checks?\n \n

    \n Please visit{' '}\n \n Identity History Summary Checks\n {' '}\n for answers to your questions.\n

    \n How do I report a PII breach to the FBI?\n

    \n Please see the{' '}\n \n Cyber Incident Reporting Brochure\n {' '}\n for answers to your questions.\n

    \n How do I view the FBI Privacy Act Statement?\n

    \n Please see the{' '}\n \n FBI Privacy Act Statement\n \n .\n

    \n \n How do I view the Noncriminal Justice Applicant's Privacy\n Rights?\n \n

    \n Please see the{' '}\n \n Noncriminal Justice Applicant's Privacy Rights\n {' '}\n for answers to your questions.\n

    \n \n \n If you're unable to find your answer and need help,{' '}\n \n contact us\n \n .\n \n
    \n )\n}\n\nexport default HelpCenterPage\n","import { getXCLEARCorrelationInfo } from '@api/utils'\n\nexport const baseLookup = async (\n key: string\n): Promise<{ label: string; value: any }[]> => {\n const response = await fetch(\n `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_LOOKUP_API_ENDPOINT}/lookup?categories=${key}`,\n {\n headers: {\n 'X-CLEAR-CorrelationInfo': getXCLEARCorrelationInfo(),\n },\n }\n )\n\n const data = await response.json()\n\n return data[0].values.map((x: any) => ({\n label: x.text,\n value: x.key,\n }))\n}\n","import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'\nimport { useRouter } from 'next/router'\nimport { Box, BoxProps } from '@clear/design-system'\nimport { Modal } from '@components/shared/Modal'\nimport useEnrollmentApi from '@hooks/useEnrollmentApi'\nimport { useSessionTimer } from '@hooks/useSessionTimer'\n\ntype PageContentProps = BoxProps\nconst PageContent: React.FC = ({ ...props }) => {\n const { clearState: clearEnrollmentState } = useEnrollmentApi()\n const router = useRouter()\n const sessionTimeout =\n (router && router.query && router.query.sessionTimeout) || ''\n const pathname = (router && router.pathname) || ''\n const [showSessionModal, setShowSessionModal] = useState(false)\n\n const successClickFunction = () => {\n router.push('/')\n }\n\n useEffect(() => {\n const shouldShowModal = sessionTimeout === 'true' && pathname !== '/'\n if (shouldShowModal) {\n setShowSessionModal(true)\n }\n }, [pathname, sessionTimeout])\n\n useSessionTimer(clearEnrollmentState)\n\n return (\n \n \n \n \n )\n}\n\nexport default PageContent\n","import React, { SetStateAction, ReactNode } from 'react'\nimport { Flex, Text, Button } from '@clear/design-system'\nimport { ColorType } from '@clear/design-system/lib/theme/colors'\nimport Link from 'next/link'\n\nexport interface ModalProps {\n header?: string\n body: string | ReactNode\n bodyNote?: string\n showModal: boolean\n setShowModal: React.Dispatch>\n canClose?: boolean\n successButtonText?: string\n closeButtonText?: string\n successLink?: string\n successClick?: () => void\n}\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function\nconst noop = () => {}\n\nexport function Modal(props: ModalProps) {\n const {\n header,\n body,\n bodyNote,\n showModal,\n setShowModal,\n canClose,\n successButtonText = 'success',\n successLink,\n successClick,\n } = props\n\n const handleCloseModal = () => setShowModal(false)\n\n return (\n <>\n {showModal ? (\n <>\n \n e.stopPropagation()}\n mx={[6, null]}\n >\n {/* header */}\n \n {header && (\n \n {header}\n \n )}\n \n {body}\n \n {bodyNote && (\n \n {bodyNote}\n \n )}\n \n \n {successLink ? (\n \n \n \n ) : (\n \n )}\n \n \n \n
    \n \n ) : null}\n \n )\n}\n","import { baseLookup } from '@api/lookupClient'\nimport { useState, useEffect } from 'react'\n\nconst cache: Record = {}\n\nexport const TSADecisionTimeframe = '60 days'\n\nexport enum KEYS {\n 'us-born-citizenship-immigration-documents' = 'us-born-citizenship-immigration-documents',\n 'subdivisions-ca' = 'subdivisions-ca',\n 'preferred-contact-methods' = 'preferred-contact-methods',\n 'uploadable-proofs-of-citizenship' = 'uploadable-proofs-of-citizenship',\n 'hair-colors' = 'hair-colors',\n 'subdivisions-mx' = 'subdivisions-mx',\n 'non-us-born-citizenship-immigration-documents' = 'non-us-born-citizenship-immigration-documents',\n 'non-us-citizen-photo-ids' = 'non-us-citizen-photo-ids',\n 'subdivisions-us' = 'subdivisions-us',\n 'name-suffixes' = 'name-suffixes',\n 'genders' = 'genders',\n 'non-immigrant-visa-statuses' = 'non-immigrant-visa-statuses',\n 'eye-colors' = 'eye-colors',\n 'us-citizen-photo-ids' = 'us-citizen-photo-ids',\n 'countries' = 'countries',\n}\n\nexport default function useLookupData(\n keys: KEYS[]\n): [Record, boolean] {\n const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false)\n const [data, setData] = useState<\n Record\n >({})\n\n useEffect(() => {\n setIsLoading(true)\n const fetchData = async () => {\n const d: Record = {}\n await Promise.all(\n keys.map(async (key) => {\n if (!cache[key]) {\n const val = await baseLookup(key)\n cache[key] = val\n }\n d[key] = cache[key]\n return cache[key]\n })\n )\n setData(d)\n setIsLoading(false)\n }\n fetchData()\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps\n }, [])\n\n return [data, isLoading]\n}\n","import { useRouter } from 'next/router'\nimport { useEffect } from 'react'\nimport { getAccessToken, setAccessToken } from '@api/utils'\n\nconst beforeUnloadListener = (event: any) => {\n event.preventDefault()\n return (event.returnValue = 'Are you sure you want to exit?')\n}\n\nexport function useTokenVerification(disabled = false) {\n const router = useRouter()\n\n useEffect(() => {\n if (!disabled) {\n try {\n const token = getAccessToken()\n if (token) {\n addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadListener, {\n capture: true,\n })\n }\n } catch (err) {\n console.log({ tokenError: err })\n setAccessToken('')\n router.push('/')\n }\n return () => {\n removeEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadListener, {\n capture: true,\n })\n }\n }\n }, [router, disabled])\n}\n","import { useRouter } from 'next/router'\nimport { useIdleTimer } from 'react-idle-timer'\nimport { useTokenVerification } from './useTokenVerification'\nimport { setAccessToken, setSessionId } from '@api/utils'\n\nconst FIFTEEN_MINUTES_IN_MILLIS = 1000 * 60 * 15\n\nexport const getInactivityTimeout = (\n INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = FIFTEEN_MINUTES_IN_MILLIS\n) => INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT\n\nexport function useSessionTimer(\n timeoutCallback?: () => void,\n disableTokenVerification?: boolean,\n inactivityTimeout?: number\n) {\n const router = useRouter()\n\n useTokenVerification(disableTokenVerification)\n\n const sessionTimeoutHandler = async () => {\n timeoutCallback && timeoutCallback()\n // Sign out of cognito\n setAccessToken('')\n setSessionId('')\n await router.push(\n {\n pathname: router.route,\n query: { sessionTimeout: 'true' },\n },\n undefined,\n { shallow: true }\n )\n }\n\n const idleTimerFunctions = useIdleTimer({\n timeout: getInactivityTimeout(inactivityTimeout),\n onIdle: sessionTimeoutHandler,\n debounce: 500,\n })\n\n return {\n ...idleTimerFunctions,\n sessionTimeoutHandler,\n }\n}\n","export const tsaPrecheckMembershipPrice = 77.95\n\nexport const tsaPrecheckPromotionalPrice = Number(0.0).toFixed(2)\n\nexport const tsaPrecheckClearBundlePrice = 199.95\n\nexport const tsaPrecheckRenewMembershipPrice = 68.95\n\nexport const tsaPrecheckClearRenewBundlePrice = 190.95\n\nexport const firstYearOfClear = ` $${(\n tsaPrecheckClearBundlePrice - tsaPrecheckMembershipPrice\n).toFixed(2)}`\n\nexport const precheckPerYearPrice = ` $${Math.ceil(\n tsaPrecheckMembershipPrice / 5\n)} `\n\nexport const precheckRenewalPerYearPrice = ` $${Math.ceil(\n tsaPrecheckRenewMembershipPrice / 5\n)} `\n\nexport const clearMembershipPrice = 189\nexport const clearPrecheckBundleValue =\n clearMembershipPrice + tsaPrecheckMembershipPrice\n\nexport const clearPrecheckRenewalBundleValue =\n clearMembershipPrice + tsaPrecheckRenewMembershipPrice\n\nexport const bundledSavings = Math.round(\n clearMembershipPrice -\n (tsaPrecheckClearBundlePrice - tsaPrecheckMembershipPrice)\n)\n\nexport const stringifyPrice = (price: number) => {\n return ` $${price}`\n}\n","\n (window.__NEXT_P = window.__NEXT_P || []).push([\n \"/help\",\n function () {\n return require(\"private-next-pages/help.tsx\");\n }\n ]);\n "],"names":["Section","children","props","my","Question","as","fontWeight","P","className","variant","UL","sx","listStyle","WebsiteLink","color","href","PhoneLink","EmailLink","TsaFaqLink","target","router","useRouter","useEffect","asPath","endsWith","setTimeout","element","document","getElementById","scrollIntoView","flexDirection","title","description","maxWidth","fontSize","mb","textAlign","mx","p","defaultExpanded","includes","id","fontStyle","style","listStyleType","marginLeft","TSADecisionTimeframe","stringifyPrice","tsaPrecheckMembershipPrice","precheckPerYearPrice","tsaPrecheckRenewMembershipPrice","tsaPrecheckClearBundlePrice","tsaPrecheckClearRenewBundlePrice","mt","baseLookup","key","fetch","process","headers","getXCLEARCorrelationInfo","response","json","data","values","map","x","label","text","value","clearEnrollmentState","useEnrollmentApi","clearState","sessionTimeout","query","pathname","useState","showSessionModal","setShowSessionModal","useSessionTimer","px","width","showModal","setShowModal","header","body","successButtonText","successClick","push","canClose","noop","Modal","bodyNote","successLink","onClick","backgroundColor","e","stopPropagation","pb","justifyContent","passHref","size","textProps","KEYS","cache","useLookupData","keys","isLoading","setIsLoading","setData","d","Promise","all","val","fetchData","beforeUnloadListener","event","preventDefault","returnValue","FIFTEEN_MINUTES_IN_MILLIS","getInactivityTimeout","INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT","timeoutCallback","disableTokenVerification","inactivityTimeout","disabled","getAccessToken","addEventListener","capture","err","console","log","tokenError","setAccessToken","removeEventListener","useTokenVerification","sessionTimeoutHandler","setSessionId","route","undefined","shallow","useIdleTimer","timeout","onIdle","debounce","tsaPrecheckPromotionalPrice","Number","toFixed","firstYearOfClear","Math","ceil","precheckRenewalPerYearPrice","clearMembershipPrice","clearPrecheckBundleValue","round","price","window","__NEXT_P"],"sourceRoot":""}